Businesses encounter a wide variety of transitions throughout their evolution. From start-ups where everything is new to SMBs expanding and contracting with the economy to mature companies acquiring other businesses, bringing new products to market or adapting to new leadership, businesses live and die by the way they handle changes.
As your company goes through growth periods such as these, it’s important to keep in mind the stress this can put on your technology systems and IT infrastructure. Scalable IT solutions are ideal as they are cost-effective, flexible and easy to implement – especially with supplemental help from an experienced managed service provider (MSP) specializing in business transition management.
Although it’s tempting to put the onus of transition onto in-house IT departments, often internal IT professionals don’t have the specific experience or time in their busy day-to-day schedules for adapting to increased network traffic, identifying software to accommodate new objectives or analyzing how new directives need to be addressed.
When you realize your IT team is outside of their comfort zone, Protocol Networks can strengthen your ability to make the transitions necessary to grow. Here are 5 ways a qualified IT managed services provider helps handle business transitions:
- Operate as members of your team – As your transition partner, we collaborate with your team members to ensure we recommend solutions to fit your project parameters as well as your organization’s culture.
- Analyze the project plan – Because of our knowledge of technology and business, we analyze projects from both perspectives which enables IT to make proposals that fit with the overall objectives of the project. As we work with you, we also make sure information is presented without a lot of techno babble that makes it difficult for non-technical staff in the rest of the company to understand. Clear communication is a key factor to the success we’ve had guiding companies through transitions.
- Help with financial planning – Remaining within budget is always a top priority. Protocol Networks identifies solutions that work within your budget with an eye to when the project is complete. Scalable solutions that can be eliminated when the project is completed or can be used on an ongoing basis for the company to get the most consideration.
- Staff the project – We’ve already established that your in-house team is busy enough keeping day-to-day operations and users productive. Staffing your project can be done with temporary IT professionals who won’t add to your ongoing expenses after the project is completed. Protocol Networks recruits, vets and hires these highly qualified engineers for you.
- Reporting and follow-up support – Establishing the proper reporting information and frequency keeps everyone apprised of the progress and ongoing status of the project. Once the transition has been achieved, Protocol Networks works with you quarterly to make sure the IT solutions are still effective and appropriate.
You’ve built your IT team to support day-to-day operations. Let us partner with you to implement new projects and make your transitions seamless. Contact us at 877-676-0146 or online here.